Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Make Your Online Succes...; )

The internet offers a huge amount of benefits to those who wish to take the time to build a business or offer something creative to share with the rest of the world.
The qualities about online businesses which attracts the most people is the flexibility of lifestyle and the prospect of making a very good living because of the huge global exposure and reach which you potentially have by being connected online.
Unfortunately due to this wide potential market base there will always be those who will try to exploit this in ways considered to be unethical. I guess this shouldn’t come as a surprise because unethical business practices happen all the time and have been happening since man first started to trade in ancient times.
The only difference is, now with the interconnectedness of the world wide web and the huge internet technological advancements, the unethical side of business and marketing has been magnified.
For instance before the internet really started to take off in the late nineties, people were hardly ever confronted with ads, spam or junk mail about “acai berries” or “penis enlargement”. I mean when was the last time you got a flyer in your regular letterbox about “Adding 3 inches” to your you-know-what?
The peculiarity of today’s internet marketing is solely due to the nature of the technology itself and for all of the advantages and benefits the internet has brought us, the same advantages and benefits are unfortunately exploitable for those intent on using unethical means.
There are probably a few qualities about the online environment which are unique to it compared to other mediums and which therefore make the unethical marketing seem so much more pronounced.
For instance we already mentioned the grand scale of reach which people have when using the internet. You could potentially spam millions of people daily on the internet with little or no cost to you, whereas doing the same thing using snail mail would take you years and probably send you broke.
Also, the faceless nature of the internet makes it seem easier for people to fall into unethical practices because they don’t ever have to face the people they’re trying to scam.
The current global economic turmoil and job uncertainty is no doubt also playing a role in increasing peoples’ fear and desperation and so some are willing to try anything to make a few extra bucks.
But in the long haul you will find those trying to cheat the system and other people, eventually get found out and their money-making strategies come crashing down. Quite often these same types of people quickly try to think up new schemes and the process starts all over again.
The point is that from the perspective of building a stable income online, unethical schemes and scams are definitely not the way to go.
I know it’s a cliche but it’s also very true when people say: “If something sounds too good to be true, it probably isn’t”. This cliche has never been more apt than what has been happening on the internet now for over a decade.

Google and How It’s Leveling the Playing Field

Google is by far the most popular search engine, taking something like over 80% of the internet search pie followed by Bing and Yahoo who share less than 10% each (according to  2011/2012 statistics).
You may also probably know that Google is a huge business globally, making most of its money either directly or indirectly from search activities. Therefore as the biggest search engine provider, Google is also most exposed to the unethical activities of people trying to cheat the system. Due to this exposure, they are also constantly tweaking and refining their search engines to combat the low quality, low value, high spam sites being displayed in their search results.
The latest announcement by Google’s Matt Cutts (who is the head of the Webspam team) was that they are increasingly targeting sites which are “over-optimized” – meaning those sites which might have an overabundance of unnatural backlinks and stuffed with keywords which make them almost unreadable and uninformative.
After all it’s in Google’s and everybody else’s interest that they provide a quality service to its clients by way of offering relevant search results. This means reducing the number of bounces caused by sites which are low quality and spammy in nature.
The way Google usually targets low quality spammy sites is that it gives them a lower weighting and ranking in the search results. The effect of this is that such sites are demoted from say the top one hundred search results to something further down the rankings.
Changes in Google’s core search algorithm and rankings methods shouldn’t come as a surprise when you consider that Google apparently make hundreds of code and algorithm modifications per year. But what is becoming more and more surprising is the increasing intelligence being built into the Google algorithms which are making them smarter in identifying a “good” versus a “bad” site.
So what does this have to do with you and your online ambitions?
Quite simply, if you dedicate your time and work smart to offer quality products/services/information to people and in doing so you also instill ethical practices in your online business ventures, then you will more likely reap the rewards from your hard work; quite often simply from the benefits gained from Google’s smarter search algorithm.
About the Author: This post was written by Smarajit Palwho is an author for Tips and Tricks HQ.
This is a follow-up from the Essential WordPress Security Tips article.
In general WordPress is pretty secure as long as you apply common sense and follow standard security practices. The tips mentioned in this article are for added security (you don’t need to apply them all).
However, if you are in the mood for some advanced tweaking then the following security tips should come in handy ;)


Most of these techniques require you to understand what you are doing.
It is strongly recommended that you first test these techniques on a test or development site before applying them to your live site. Doing some of the tips suggested here can break your site if not performed correctly.
We take no responsibility for any mishaps as a result of your efforts in applying the techniques discussed in this article.
Also note that these techniques assume that your WordPress installation is running Apache and you have mod_alias and mod_rewrite installed.

1. Disable HTTP Trace Method

There is a security attack technique called Cross Site Tracing (XST) which can be used together with another attack mechanism called Cross Site Scripting (XSS) which exploits systems which have HTTP TRACE functionality. HTTP TRACE is a default functional feature on most webservers and is used for things like debugging. Hackers who use XST will usually steal cookie and other sensitive server information via header requests.
You can disable the trace functionality either via your Apache configuration file or by putting the following in your .htaccess file:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule .* - [F]

2. Remove header outputs from your WordPress installation

WordPress can often add quite a lot of output in your header pertaining to various services. The following code shows how you can remove a lot of this output.
Warning: This can break some functionality if you are not careful. Eg, if you’re using RSS feeds then you may want to comment that line out.
Add the following code to your theme’s functions.php file:

remove_action('wp_head', 'index_rel_link');
remove_action('wp_head', 'feed_links', 2);
remove_action('wp_head', 'feed_links_extra', 3);
remove_action('wp_head', 'rsd_link');
remove_action('wp_head', 'wlwmanifest_link');
remove_action('wp_head', 'parent_post_rel_link', 10, 0);
remove_action('wp_head', 'start_post_rel_link', 10, 0);
remove_action('wp_head', 'adjacent_posts_rel_link_wp_head', 10, 0);
remove_action('wp_head', 'wp_generator');
remove_action('wp_head', 'wp_shortlink_wp_head', 10, 0);
remove_action('wp_head', 'noindex', 1);

3. Deny comment posting via proxy server

You can reduce spam and general proxy requests by attempting to prevent comments which are posted via a proxy server. Use the code below (compliments of in your .htaccess file:

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/(wp-login.php|wp-admin/|wp-content/plugins/|wp-includes/).* [NC]
RewriteRule .* - [F,NS,L]

4. Change your default WordPress DB prefix

You may already be aware that WP uses a default prefix value of “wp_” for the DB tables. This can in turn be used by malicious bots and hackers to guess your DB table names.
In general, changing your WP DB prefix value is much easier to do at installation time because you can set it in your wp-config.php file.
Conversely if you already have a live WP site and you wish to change your DB prefix, then the procedure is a little more complicated.
A basic guide for changing the DB prefix after an install for those who are curious is briefly outlined below:
1) Do a full DB backup and save the backup somewhere offboard. Using something like BackupBuddy can useful.
2) Do a complete dump of your WP DB using PHPMyAdmin into a text file and save 2 copies – one for editing and the other as an original just in case.
3) Using a good code editor, replace all instances of “wp_” with your own prefix.
4) From your WP admin panel, deactivate all plugins
5) Using PHPMyAdmin, drop your old DB and import your new one using the file you edited in step 3.
6) Edit your wp-config.php file with the new DB prefix value.
7) Re-activate your WP plugins
8) Perform another save on your permalink settings by going to Settings->Permalinks in order to refresh your permalink structure.
Sometimes plugins add their own prefix after the wordpress prefix where both are identical.
example, you might have a table name from a certain plugin has a name like the following: wp_wp_abc_table_name.
Be sure when replacing the “wp_” instances in step 2 above that you only replace the first “wp_” prefix and not the one following it.
For instance if we take the example we just mentioned we would replace the first prefix with our new prefix which for this example might be called “trx_”.
The new name would look like:
Note that there are also WP plugins out there which can achieve the above steps for those who are not prepared to get their hands dirty.

5. Deny Potentially Dangerous Query Strings

You can put the following code in your .htacces file to help prevent XSS attacks.
BEWARE: Functionality of some plugins or themes could break if you are not careful to exclude strings which are used by them.

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ../   [NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} boot.ini [NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} tag= [NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ftp: [NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} http: [NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} https:   [NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} mosConfig [NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^.*([|]|(|)|<|>|'|"|;|?|*).* [NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^.*(%22|%27|%3C|%3E|%5C|%7B|%7C).* [NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^.*(%0|%A|%B|%C|%D|%E|%F|127.0).* [NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^.*(globals|encode|config|localhost|loopback).* [NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^.*(request|select|insert|union|declare|drop).* [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ - [F,L]

6. Apply PHP hardening to your system

You can install and enable Suhosin which is a PHP hardening system on your server. This can further increase the security of your system by protecting against various vulnerabilities.
Suhosin typically installs on most PHP installations and is sometimes included by webhosting companies by default. (Check with your hosting provider)
If you can read more about Suhosin here.
Make sure to read the Essential WordPress Security Tips article if you haven’t done so already.

Color Psychology and How it Affects Your Site

Categories: Blogging Tips, Web Design
As a designer, website owner, or marketer it is important to know how color affects your target audience. There are many factors that contributes to how someone perceives color. While some of these factors are uncontrollable as they are mentally controlled, there are some that we can control as designers.
Some of the outside factors that can affect color and how people perceive it are:
  • Culture
  • Religion
  • Environment (where the color is being used)
  • Time Period
  • Trends
When designing projects such as websites you need to keep the above in mind. Especially keep in mind the culture and religious meaning of color. Colors have different meaning in different cultures and religions, so knowing your target audience can be one of the key factors in the success or failure of your site.
The color green is usually tied to safety or money. However in France the color green is associated with criminality, it is also not a good color to use for product packaging.
Colors have different meaning in different parts of the world, while some have universal meanings, some do not. Investing a little time and research into your target market can give your site a major boost for very little work.
In this article I have provided some incite into colors. I have given examples to their
  • Common Association
  • Positive and Negative Aspects of Usage
  • Cultural and Religious Meaning
  • Interesting Information About the Color

Primary Colors


Red is the most dominant color and will always draw your attention when it is present. This makes red a good color to use if you want to draw the attention of the viewer to or away from a design element.
  1. You want to highlight something on a website such as a price or buy button, a little well placed red will make it stand out.
  2. You designed a room and there is a small flaw you can not hide, you can use some strategically placed red elements to draw the attention away from the flaw.
Color Association 
Associated WithPositive Usage AssociationNegative Usage Association
BloodAttention GettingAnger
Cultural Association 
France – Masculinity
Most of Asia – Happiness, Prosperity, and Luck
India – Soldier’s Symbol
South Africa – Color of Mourning
Australia Aborigines – Ceremonial Color
Interesting Information about the Color Red
  • In Russian red means beautiful.
  • Red suggests speed.
  • Red cars have a higher rate of being pulled over for speeding.
  • Red cars have a higher theft rate than any other color.
  • Red stimulates the heart rate, breathing and appetite. This is why red is used in many restaurant and fast food branding/logos. Here are some examples.
    • McDonalds
    • Burger King
    • Carls Jr/ Hardys
    • In and Out Burger
    • Sonics
    • Red Rooster
  • Red clothing makes you look heavier.


Yellow is the first color the human eye can recognize.
Color Association 
Associated WithPositive Usage AssociationNegative Usage Association





Cultural Association 
Buddhist – Priests wear saffron yellow robes
Burma – Color of mourning
Egypt – Color of mourning
India – Color for merchants and farmers
Hindu – Worn to celebrate the Festival of Spring
Middle East – Happiness and prosperity
Greece – Sadness
Interesting Information about the Color Yellow 
  • Yellow is brighter than white.
  • Yellow speeds up the metabolism.
  • Pale yellow can enhance concentration.
  • Bright yellow causes more eye fatigue than any other color.
  • Painting a baby’s room yellow makes them cry more.


Blue is the most used color in advertising and branding.
Color Association 
Associated WithPositive Usage AssociationNegative Usage Association



Cultural Association
Most of the World – Sees blue as a masculine color
China – Color for little girls
Iran – Color of mourning
Eastern Cultures – Immortality
Korea – Color of mourning
Mexico – Color of mourning
Interesting Information about the Color Blue
  • Blue is the most used color in branding and advertising. This is because the subconscious meaning of blue is linked to trust and loyalty.
  • Blue suppresses hunger as blue is an unappetizing color.
  • People are more productive in blue rooms.
  • In southern US states front doors and porch ceiling are often painted blue to keep the evil spirits away.

Secondary Colors


Green is the easiest color on the eye.
Color Association 
Associated WithPositive Usage AssociationNegative Usage Association






Cultural Association 
Islam – Green is associated with paradise and is symbolic of Islam
Most Western Cultures – Green is considered the color of luck
China – Fertility
Japan – Youthfulness
Ireland – Country color
South America – Color of death
Interesting Information about the Color Green 
  • Green is known to calm and relax you.
  • Painting your bedroom green can give you a better nights sleep.
  • Green is said to aide digestion and reduces stomachaches.
  • Green is the most widely used color for environmental marketing and branding.


Purple is said to enhance the imagination (commonly used to paint kids rooms to stimulate the imagination).
Color Association 
Associated WithPositive Usage AssociationNegative Usage Association





Cultural Association 
Latin America – Indicates death
Thailand – Worn by widows mourning a husbands death
India – Sorrow
Brazil – Death and mourning
Catholicism – Mourning
Interesting Information about the Color Purple
  • Purple is associated with wealth, royalty and nobility because the ingredients to make purple dye was very expensive. Only the wealthy such as royalty could afford them.
  • Rare in nature purple is seen as artificial.


Orange is known as the come back color, as it has came back in style and popularity recently.
Color Association 
Associated WithPositive Usage AssociationNegative Usage Association
Cultural Association 
Native American – Orange is linked to learning.
Netherlands – Orange is the national color. This is because the Dutch monarchs came from Orange-Nassau.
Western Cultures – This color is associated with affordable, inexpensive items.
Interesting Information about the Color Orange 
  • Orange is and appetite stimulant.
  • Orange rooms get people thinking and talking. A good use for this color is to paint the walls of a meeting room orange.



Black is the deepest depths.
Color Association 
Associated WithPositive Usage AssociationNegative Usage Association





Cultural Association
China – Black is the color for little boys
Asia – Generally associated with mourning, penance, knowledge, and career
India – Evil
Thailand – Bad luck, evil, and unhappiness
Judaism – Bad luck, evil, and unhappiness
Australian Aborigines – Ceremonial color
Western Cultures – Mourning
Interesting Information about the Color Black 
  • Black clothing makes you look thinner
  • Black makes other colors appear brighter
  • Black is said to boost self-confidence and strength
  • Black is the color of choice for most secret societies


White is a perfectly balanced color.
Color Association 
Associated WithPositive Usage AssociationNegative Usage Association



Cultural Association
Japan and China – Funeral color
Worldwide – Universal symbol for truce
India – Married women who wear white invite unhappiness
Western Cultures – Bride, wedding and peace
Thailand – White symbolizes purity in Buddhism
Korea – Purity and innocence, morality, birth and death
Interesting Information about the Color White 
  • In some cultures it is considered good luck to be married in a white garment
  • White is so brilliant it can give some people headaches
  • White light can be blinding


Grey is a balance of black and white.
Color Association 
Associated WithPositive Usage AssociationNegative Usage Association





Cultural Association 
Native American – Grey is associated with friendship and honor
America– Represents industry
Interesting Information about the Color Grey
  • Grey seldom evokes strong emotions
  • Grey is it’s own complement color
When doing design work it is important to understand the needs of the project you are working on. You need to remember to take into consideration who your main viewing audience is. In this article I have covered the basics of color and how it can affect your site. In a future article I will go more in-depth into how to apply colors to your project and get the most out of them.
If you have any color tips you would like to share feel free to post them below in the comments secton.
About the Author: This post was written by Smarajit Palwho is the graphics designer of  Tips and Tricks HQ.

Saturday, 18 August 2012

Thats a Real Chilli Chicken...:P

Its Lunch Time Guys.......Take It./..........

We Are All True Friends.............

Life ends; when you stop Dreaming,
Hope ends; when you stop Believing,
Love ends; when you stop Caring,

Friendship ends; when you stop Sharing..!!!
by Smarajit Pal

Romance Is Life....................

This Is A Really Romantic Sceene.........No Other Lovely Scene As More Beautiful In The Whole World..................................Visit My Own Blog Regularly & Please Comment Friends............................................Thats My Kind Enogh Pleasure...........:)

Missing You Micheal So Much..........................................................Thats Our Proud...................Gonna Back Please................Guys Please Comment ...............................For Not Me Only The Superstar..................1 & Only...............Ma Micheal Jackson.

Thursday, 16 August 2012

A True Friend Cannot Live With Other......................

An Animal IS The Faithful Creauture Any Other Creature Of The Whole World...........

Turn your PC in Xbox game console

Do you want to play xbox games on your pc without doing any hardware modification and without spending a single $. How we can play xbox games on pc? It is very simple. Even a beginner can do all this things.

You must have windows based PC for playing xbox on PC.As you knows both xbox and windows are from same manufacturer. But you want to install third party software for playing xbox on your personal computer. Lot of emulators are available in the market. Emulators are available for other game consoles such as Nintendo, Play station etc. For Xeon and Cxbx are the best.

How to use emulator?
  1. Download the emulator. [Xeon, Cxbx]
  2. Install the software.
  3. Insert the Xbox game disk in the cd drive.
  4. Load the game.
  5. Play the game!!!
The same way you can play Nintendo and play station games on PC. 
Playstation Emulators- PCSX2, Neutrino SX2, PS2emu

Note: Sometimes it may take some time to load the games as xbox games requires high end hardwares.

My New Post Please Read This And Comment Bellow.......

  • Hi Guys This Is My First Post Of This Blog.............I Post My Ideal Man Picture To Share With You..........................Must Comment Guys.This Helps Me Most Attractive Posts........